The 6k Christmas?in?October promo at #ESquad…

Hey guys,Ok let’s go straight to the point with this post… So this October, I am having another promo on all my services. Online coaching class for those who want to lose weight – N6000 (regular price:10k. ) Discount for my past students – N5000 (if you have ever paid me for any service that […]

Christmas…A thousand times better

Lemme tell y’all this beautiful story… OK maybe not beautiful but story all the same. Oh BTW I took this mgbeke looking picture this morning just before church. Walahi adonbilivit. Me? The certified queen of poses. Tz well ooo. So now that you are done laughing, here is my story. Like y’all know, I just […]

Thank.Full.E’… Part2

**PLEASE NOTE: Pictures will be attached to this Post before the end of friday. Right now, I am blogging from my bb and I’m too tired and sleepy to do the stress now*** So let’s jump right into Part 2… Btw, incase you didn’t notice the rhyme up there, sigh!!! Thankfully… Thank.full.E’… *rolling my eyes […]

Merr-E’ Christmas y’all…

Hey FAB’ers… Had to drop in here to say a MASSIVE Merry Merr-E’ Christmas. Couldn’t miss it now, could I? On visiting days in Feddy then, students would always ask one question everytime they saw someone (friend or not) walking towards them or entering the dorm… ‘Have they come for me?’ Oh the joys when […]