It has been one week right? Since my PAUSE!!!
I have never been more grateful for perfect health as I am right now.
Lemme not bug you down with all the many things that wet wrong with me. I would rather just share the fact that I am totally healed now.
God is Faithful. I testify.
Oh I had to make a trip in the middle of all this and *ewww alert*** I threw up in the airport. Ugh!!! Then my flight was delayed for almost four hours… Choi!!! I could have passed out.
Again, thank God for health restored.
Thank you so much for all your prayers and love. Sorry I couldn’t respond to any of the emails and messages. My God bless you all mega.
Special thank you to my very dear and darling bestie  Valerie for all your professional help. Mehn!!! A Doctor friend who knows her onions is a treasure oooo. I disturbed her almost every nano-second. She was 24 hours on call specially for me. Loooool. I want to tell y’all how Vee was the best graduating student/doctor and class valedictorian in medical school but no time… Lol. Thanks babe. God bless you.
Another special thanks goes out to my Twinnie Sapphire for taking such great care of me and putting her life on hold in some instances. Babe missed first Sunday Service in 2014 just to take care of me including being my short order cook and bullying doctor. I was real touched. Thanks babe. You have a heart made of pure gold. I hear I owe you a pair of shoes… Let’s see how that goes. Thanks to my brother and Twinny’s hubby Afolabi too. Amazing couple. Love love love you guys yo!!! Oshay gan.
And finally a special squeezy hug and thanks to my half name sake ‘kaego who doesn’t stop surprising me with her love. Thanks for helping me drag my behind to work on my first day very easily and very on time. Thanks Sugar. God bless you. I definitely owe you plenty. You have sown way too many seeds.
And of course my Darling brother Chuchu who got me the baddest pepper soup I have ever tasted in my life. It was awesome. Thanks darling.
Thank you. Thank you. Thank you all.
So Monday we are back to regular programming on the #31F.A.B.Voices…Testifying.
Still have slots open so join the testifiers already.
Cheers to a fab weekend darlings…
Forward 2014… Still Testifying

27 Responses

  1. Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay!!!!!thank God this fab daughter of our Great Sugar Daddy is bak and ever better!
    Testifying on the roll!
    We missed ya!was always checking my twitter o!dint want to miss the m bak blog!
    Wish I was d first person to comment tho!
    Tongue out at dumebi!

  2. *hugs,hugs,hugs,hugs… Welcome back!! We thank God for good health restored! In fact eh,let our sugar daddy’s name be praised!! Nb-lots of typos,comment section misbehaving,couldn’t delete after tyPing.

  3. ┈̥-̶̯͡»̶̥A̶̲̥̅♏glad ♈υ̲̣̥ are back sound and healthy. May God bless all those He used to help ♈υ̲̣̥ get on your feet. ♈υ̲̣̥ were greatly missed.

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