Hey guys
Before I jump right into today’s topic, I added a fifth and final song to my Labour Playlist


Ok so today, let me debunk the nonsense I hear…

You see, the goal for me per fitness in pregnancy is NOT TO AVOID A SECTION.
I’m not even sure the logic behind this thought.
Do you know the second I realised I was pregnant, I resolved to do two things

1. Be so super disciplined and not add anything that makes me see 90kg on the scale (I weighed 76kg pre-preg)

11kg this 40th week.

2. Opt for elective CS. Meaning I will CHOSE it not even wait for it to be offered or needed. A PLANNED cesearean section was far more appealing than induction, forceps, 3rd degree tear , being stitched without anaesthetic, losing tons of blood, fainting twice and taking forever to recover, which was my first experience at ‘natural delivery’ lol.

Of course with all my fitness knowledge, I knew ‘big tummy post-preg’ is NOT CS caused but INDISCIPLINE with your lifestyle all through pregnancy, so whether I was gonna ‘snap back’ wasn’t an option.

I did plenty research and made my mind up. I knew the risks, pain and recovery involved and still chose CS. I didn’t even know the stigma attached to a C. section in Naija until I started to mention to people.
See reactions.
Choi !!!
It was like with that choice, I became LESS of a woman.
I cucu stopped telling anyone but I still made up my mind…ELCS all the way.
The only reason today I don’t have a planned section date is because God checked me.
Not because CS is bad but because my reason for opting was FEAR based and I wanted to avoid having faith because I felt like my faith had ‘failed’ me with my first.
So i repented and decided to believe for the BEST experience ever, no matter what it boils down to.

But trust me, I have ZILCH ISSUES with a section. My besto Valerie had her baby via a planned section recently and I was just envying her lol.

So when i hear people tell me stuff like

‘…ah but it won’t be good if after all this your exercise you end up with CS ooo…’

‘…your preggy fitness journey will be complete if you have a short labour and ‘natural’ delivery…’

I actually feel like slapping them.

Now don’t get me wrong ooo. Fitness in pregnancy has amazing benefits some OF which would be reducing your chances OF a section, shorter labour, average sized baby, quicker recovery, etc. I will MOST LIKELY enjoy all this but the goal really for me was DISCIPLINE.
I wanted to take an experiment on my body and see if i could REALLY be disciplined even with all the preggy hormones and drama flying everywhere. I knew how absolutely indisciplined I was with my first so I truly wanted to know if I could flip all that.

I also wanted to enjoy a different and better 9months this time around, and also not feel like my life stopped with a new baby. I wanted to be strong, fruitful, alert and very productive from pregnancy to New mommyhood. With my first, i literally was moving from kitchen for food to bed for sleep/rest and then mindless internet browsing and social media time wasting. I was lethargic, lazy and uninspired. I also became crazy wifey and was jealous of everyone else who had a semblance of a life. That goes without saying that even my SPIRITUAL life suffered too.
Amazing what lack of discipline in the physical would cause emotionally and spiritually.
Worse still, I sat around waiting for delivery which now dragged to 42weeks and after that, I could not wait to get back to ‘work’. I was always waiting for the ‘next’ season to feel better instead of immersing in the current season and enjoying every day.

Then to now have a baby who was distressed at birth with all the drama from Labour, have to be resuscitated and spend 5days in NICU? GOD FORBID!!! I didn’t want that again either IF I COULD HELP IT…

Trust me when i say I wanted DIFFERENT this time around and I knew DISCIPLINE was gon’ be key and that right early too.
Good thing is even though I was not quite ready to be pregnant early in the year, I already lived a disciplined life by the time I realised I was pregnant so now all I needed was to amp it up and decide that no matter the hormones flying, I would not give it control.

Plus literally all my mentors were same… Lisa, Chris, Heather all stayed fruitful.

I really wasn’t thinking of my Labour and delivery.
So seeing people reduce it all to just how a baby comes out of me truly makes me upset.
Since when did we start measuring a woman’s worth by how she birthed a baby?

The crazy thing is CS can be soooooooo NATURAL a choice because nature, through no fault of yours, gives you a breech baby. You can workout till eternity and still have a baby that won’t get in position for a vaginal delivery.
Of course there are many more reasons for a section and for many moms, a section is a LIFE SAVER.
Can we just STOP THE NONSENSE discrimination and shaming?

I’ve actually had friends tell me

‘…BUT I have birth via CS. ..’

And i am confused as to why the BUT.

Does that reduce the miracle of bringing life into the world? At all.

I’m also SO UPSET when I read any entry from a mom who refused a CS option and opts for ‘prayers’ instead then now loses the baby.

Eez ok ooo.
Hmm. It is well.

So please miss me with all the nonsense theory on fitness in pregnancy.
Some of us just prefer to keep it DISCIPLINED. And should my delivery and up in a Section, you best believe I will be happy to shout it from the rooftops. Or maybe my recovery bed. Lol.

I refuse any kind of pressure biko. I’m not even here for ‘Your baby will just fly out’ or ‘Your baby will not even reach 40weeks…’ lol.
If you know how i prayed to not have this baby come BEFORE 40 weeks ehn.

Infact i can now say I’m finally 80percent ready this week.
By my due date August 26, i pray i am now 100p ready lol. My baby stuff from Yankee haven’t arrived yet. Due end of August so I’m hoping and praying this week. But of course I’ve bought all I’ll be needing incase baby comes before. I actually dreamt it arrived already last night.

I’m just here to ENJOY my journey and by God, this has been the absolute BEST RIDE of my life.

Fitness goal largely attained and NOTHING, not how or when the baby chooses to come, can affect that. Plus i LOVE that I don’t have big nose, darker skin, swollen feet, fingers and haven’t had to change my wardrobe. Almost everything still fits. Plus i got a bump band for the pants that won’t button or zip up of course.

So honey, yes to fitness (food and workout) all through pregnancy, yes to confessions and prayers and yes to keeping even your mind busy and fruitful so that you enjoy the process and believe God for a SUPERNATURAL delivery indeed where mama and baby are healthy and alive.


Just for fun, fitness has bestowed pregnancy insomnia on me even though I am EXHAUSTED. 2 to 5am I’ve been wide awake. I’ve given that time to work,worship and typing this blog. Will publish later today.

Now off to take my son for his 3rd wee of the night and my 7th and then off to pray. Can’t wait till I can enjoy a good 7hours of sleep but who am I kidding with a new baby I intend to exclusively breastfeed?

7 Responses

  1. Yes! Yes!!Yes!!! To a fit pregnancy. I pray for the day people will stop “shaming” women with all this “natural” delivery vs C’s. I don’t know which one is unnatural delivery again. Wish u a safe delivery dear.

    1. I’m telling you. The term ‘NATURAL’ delivery just annoys me.
      Vaginal and CS biko. And both are SUPERNATURAL.
      Thanks love and Amen

  2. Preach!
    I get tired of telling some people about there being nothing wrong with having a cs. Sadly I’ve seen so many loose babies and even their lives cos they refused cs or accepted the decision too late.

    1. Oh the Bump band you mean. A seller on Jiji. i PAID ON DELIVERY ooo 08183461635 is the number of the merchant

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