Hi guys…
Been a REALLY LONG time here.
I literally shut down from my blog. Not responded to comments from my last two posts.
Haven’t visited my blog dashboard since my last post even tho my app updates have kept me somewhat aware that I have this BEAUTIFUL and BLESSED blog.
Thanks for all the blog love guys- the emails and texts. Thanks plenty.
I am sooo fine ooo.
A few updates on my life here…
– We found a HOME, hallelujah!!! and I have been NECK DEEP in thinking, shopping, budgeting, and all that good stuff that comes with moving. You know hubs ain’t here and I log my booboo everywhere so I pace myself. Trusting God to move this weekend by God’s grace.
– I am shopping for a help… Trusting God to lead me all the way cos she will be a destiny helper ooo. I am excited to get one, but I am MORE EXCITED at the impact and growth that would hit her as we work together.
– Both my phones are spoilt. My blackberry just packed up some 2 months back and I have been planning to return to the guy I got it from in Computer village but time…
Then on Saturday, while shopping for my gas, oven and microwave, (and calculating and recalculating budget in my head), my Samsung dropped and that was the end of the screen!!!
I was too weak to be upset. Talk about timing.
I just came home and borrowed my sister’s old phone for a while. As it stands, I don’t have most numbers again so no vex if I keep asking ‘who is speaking’.
– My weight loss journey has been AMAZEBALLS thank You Jesus.

When I came into Lagos early September, I was 106kg. Today, 3months plus later, two months plus actively working out and eating clean, I am 93kg. That’s 13kg lighter and my target is between 80-85kg so I have btw 10 and 12kg to loose before year end. So help me God. Actually joined an online weightloss class and this last week, I lost 2.5kg. At that weekly rate, I should achieve my target by God’s grace. That would be me, back to pre-wedding, whoop!!! Actually I joined two not one, because I want meal plans and workout routines I can save for the future.
Wish I could add more pictures of before and after.
– War room. The Kendrick brothers website say it is debuting in Nigeria this Saturday 28th. Silverbird Galleria has the banner up but no date yet. I have been stalking them daily. I really pray 28th works. Going there again tonight to check. Oh btw, my new home has a Prayer room!!! I am sooo pumped about decorating it and all. One half would be a prayer room and the other half, a library… yaaay. So this movie should come to Nigeria already. Ugh.
– Three books I want NOW
1. FerVent by Priscilla Shirer
2. Intentional living by John Maxwell
3. Runaway bride by Heather Lindsey.
I wanna add a Joyce Meyer book too but frankly, I am getting an overdose of her videos so we good.
Anyone in the abroad that can help a sister?
– And speaking of the abroad and books, I just received THREE of the five Joyce Meyer Bibles that were won on my blog.

Had to order from the UK as I didn’t find it anywhere in Nigeria. At least we have covered Lagos, Ph and Ibadan. My friend Titi helped me and yawl know how heavy Bibles are, so I am so thankful for the three she helped me with. I am so sorry I haven’t kept in touch with the winners. Didn’t have time for long story lol.
Anyways here we go with those I will give these three to
1. Dee. Because she is one of my mentees plus was the VERY FIRST to send in a request.
2. Ms Sara. Because she took quite some pains checking so many places I directed her to, under this hot sun.
3. The first person of the CONFIRMED five I chose already, to mail me. Using the original mail trail of course.
Dee and Sara, you have my number!!!
Will autograph them before I send them off. Haha.
Anybody know where I can get this Bible in Nigeria? Any of the winners seen it anywhere? Holler and I will send the money to you to buy.
Ok that’s all.
Too tired.
Sorry no too much pictures because of that story above on my phone screen.
Thanks again everyone for the love.
Yaay!!..first to read+comment. Lol… That’s to show how expectant I’ve been to read from the fab Lane.
Thank God about the new home… Happy for you í ½í¸
You look Great in those pictures I must say
Thanks booboo
Yes u sure were first
Happy for you all d way, house, wgt loss……great things happening all around u
I’ve missed u. All my favourite bloggers AV been leaving the scene…..LIFE and I understand.
Don’t worry, your Christmas hamper will be mighty; explorer, househelp, phone, car (so u can stop putting KingDaveed thru d rigours of cabs n all. Ehen, quick question. Have u ever watched NCIS? The pronunciation is like Ziva Daveed’s name abi? Dat question has been on my lips for ages), and house fittings. Have a beautiful week.
Nah haven’t seen NCIS love. But tz Dah-Vid
Thanks love
Thank God for your new home Ma..
Haa, U’ve really lost weight..:-)
For me, I nid to add lil flesh ooo. Lol
+ I wish I can get dat bible…
Am lookin 4ward to more posts
Howdy boo?
Yaay, she’s back!!! Love that you are even more excited about the impact you will make on your help!!! God bless you for the stress of procuring Bibles for people you don’t even know because you said you will(commitment).
You are looking fab as usual. Have a graced week!!! GOD BLESS YOU
Thanks darling. ..
Yesooo. Me sef will help my help
Hoooray…you will receive all your good heart desires by GOD’s grace, sooner than you think in Jesus Christ name, Amen.
Way to go with your weight loss…you are ticking all the right boxes.
Good ol’ Titi tried wella with the Bibles…im glad you’ve found a home, praying your move this weekend is smooth sailing all the way…
Kisses to KingDaveed
Amem amen
Thanks so much Fey
Please keep us posted about war room. Thanks dear
Ok dear
Kisses to baby
Your weight loss is so inspiring! It can be done!! Whoop! Well done. And congrats on the new place ?
Thanks darling
Yes it sooo can
Hey E’,
Congrats on your new home and the weight loss too. Good you are pacing yourself.
I hope you get a help soon. Try to get some rest, I was missing the ‘oomph’ that comes with your posts – I guess it’s all the work you have been up to.
God is your strength!
Thanks boo. Amen
Soooo happy for you on your weight loss…you don’t look like someone that weighs 93kg oo…I thought I was the only one haunting for Heather’s books..keep us posted on your search findings… War room too!
I tell ya. When I see some 80kg n they look fat ehn I am like na waoooo. My 100level weight was 73 and I was lepa. Don’t wanna be that again sef lol. So I guess I am one of those who have heavy bones or maybe tz just my height. But 80/85…#goals
Will definitely keep yawl posted
106KG ….you didnt look like you weighed that much oh.
Some serious hardcore weightloss you are doing. Well done
You will get to your target dear and maintain it.
Congrats on getting a place
By the way do you have an extra room to sublet? (hehe)
P.S I need to add 5kg by year end biko make we exchange
P.SS Eagerly waiting for my Bible(hoot,hoot),
Nah I don’t ooo.
Amen at maintain ooo
Lol at extra room. Mba ooo
Chai. Add 5kg? This life…
please what online classes did you take. really interested. you look amazing. congrats on the house
Trim n Healthy and then Health n Healthy. Search for their channels on bbm. Tho I know that they have closed classes for the year. Thanks love
Sorry about your phone issue. It’s well. Your weight loss shows that anything can be done with determination. Congrats on your new home. Kudos
Thanks darling
Congratulations on your progress. More grace to you.. ☺
Thanks my love
Congratulations on your new home mama. It will be filled with peace,joy,love and happiness. Blessings.
Thanks my love
Just discovered your blog when I googled where I can get Heather Lindsey’s Runaway Bride in Nigeria. Please please please tell me there’s good news for me.
Lool No mama. Sorry. You gotta get it from America. Babe is not that popular yet in Nigeria hence that.
So order from Yankee to a friend or family and then have them send it to you.