He has promised He will never fail…
I will follow Him, Yes I will follow Him
My God has promised He will NEVER fail
His faithfulness is FOREVER more. His Faithfulness, is forever more…

It was the only medical doctor in our midst that was leading the Monday night prayers on my FAB ladies online group. Just when I thought Doctor Rosebud was about to round up, she jumped into my spirit and dragged out this prayer point. And it was at this point that Titi all the way in the UK that just dropped this song in the mix as a follow up to the prayers Rose raised.
It was the way the rest of the girls responded and the atmosphere charged up notches higher almost immediately that made me know I had to share this here.

So what was the prayer point Rosebud raised?

I will paraphrase.
She talked about how some of her plans, goals and targets for the year that ought to have started yielding fruits are hardly even in sight BUT she refused to be discouraged…


That was when Titi dropped that song and my darlings, this is a good time to start singing that song in your spirit even as you get encouraged with this Post. Tuesdays are a day I set out to pray for my blog, the mails I get and of course, the 31 people who shared their vision with me. So today is a good day to do this.

At the beginning of the year, 31 of my readers shared with us here on the FAB lane their 2014 vision. I purposely called it ‘#31F.A.B.Voices…Testifying’ because I knew we would come back with our testimonies.
You can find the link to all here

Can I just encourage you for a minute?

*Puts on my best PK voice*

See ehn, if the spirit of discouragement wants to dare you, baby, GET A WORD.
Like Pastor Chris says, ‘One thing is sure, if you hold on to the Word, you will return with a testimony…’

Our God is faithful. He is faithful to the very end. Please don’t use CALENDAR to judge His faithfulness. A comment by Praise George on my girl Frances’s blog brought this home for me

‘ Someone once said that we overestimate what we can accomplish in one year but totally UNDERESTIMATE what we can accomplish in 5 years…’

My dear, I know we all had timelines within which we wanted to get some stuff done and we see time going but abeg, God is not limited ooo. He hasn’t called an emergency meeting of Angels on your case just cos time seems to be going. Infact I suspect He’s jus chillin’ with a glass of wine instead smiling…

Oh my God, the things my Sugar daddy can do with time ehn… I heard my Pastor’s pastor, Rev Victor Adeyemi break it down once and all I would say is don’t let Calendar affect your measure of His faithfulness to you. He doesn’t use our timings or calendar but my Sugar Daddy is NEVER late.

Don’t pack up yet. Don’t adjust or step-down those dreams just because you think it can’t happen again. Don’t settle for less baby.

Isaiah 55: 8-11
I don’t think the way you think.
The way you work isn’t the way I work.
As the sky soars high above the earth, so the way I work surpasses the way you work.
The way I think is beyond the way you think. Far beyond anything you could imagine.
The words that come out of my mouth will not come back empty-handed. They will do the work I sent them to do.
They will complete the work I gave them everywhere I sent them. It always produces fruits.

Don’t worry baby. If you dropped it in HIS hands in January, Trust me it is safe.
It may look like it is delaying but no, He is moulding it, so that when He drops it, who no know go know…

Oh that sounds so good I gotta take it again.

He is moulding it so that when it drops, who no know go know…

Sounds like Psalms 126 right there.

When it hits you, it will be like a dream. You will laugh and sing and dance. You wouldn’t believe your good fortune. Then who no know go know. You will now become the talk of the town. Of the Nations.


Don’t you dare give up on God baby.
Keep at it.
Keep fulfilling your own part of the deal. In other words, don’t be a joker, doing nothing and expecting his promises to fall on you like a bag of cherries. Abeggi, be diligent. Fulfil your end of the deal.
Don’t be discouraged.

The clouds are getting full. When it is full, the rains will pour.

Keep speaking. Keep doing. When it rains, it pours ooo.

This is a good time to take your eyes off the mountains and focus on our God.
This is a good time to see your testimonies in the spirit. Think on all He has done in the past. Don’t forget your weapon of past testimonies. Has he done ANYTHING for you at all this year?
Start to rejoice baby. Throw in a CD, Sing dance and throw a party.

Celebrate your pending victory in advance. Do the bumbum dance in the devil’s face cos our God is faithful to do ooo. Practice how you will testify. Yup, rehearse.

God has integrity abeg. He watches over His Word and promises to perform them.

Abeg, you will surely testify.
Just stay diligent to the Word and your work.
And you know you can testify right here baby…You know where to reach me

I celebrate me.
I celebrate YOU
I celebrate us on the FAB lane.
Can we join our Sugar Daddy in his wine party?
*hands out wine to all my FABers on the lane* (Zobo for my fab Sisturzzz. Coke for Desola. Cranberry juice for Titi hehehe )
Enjoy!!! Tz on the house.


I absolutely LOVE the next Post I am working on for next week Titled ‘We gon’ run ’em outta town…’
And it will be dedicated to one of my FAB mentees and baby girl Ewaoluwa.

Whenever I think of you girl, my love for God increases. So young. So worded and with a heart just sold out to God.
Plus tz her birthday on Wednesday.
Happy birthday baby… Drama and all, I love you.
And of course Goody whose birthday is Thursday.

Couldn’t resist the Corper picture hehehehe.
Love you Goody darling and God bless you both.

My team Chelsea is playing as I put finishing touches to this. I’m positive about it cos we are not wearing that HORRID away white jersey but we are wearing black. But gosh, my fave player Cech (keeper) just hurt his ribs abi shoulder while saving a ‘woulda been’ goal by ATL. Oh, I’m emotional. *tears* I really wanted Cech to play/keep. No Eto’o. No Ivanovic and now No Cech?!?!? But hey, go guys goooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!

39 Responses

  1. Hahaha! The FAB lane is the BUSINESS yo! and HS is surely our CEO! ahh! The way ‘Words in season’ just drop there ehn! Ahh, there’s no such thing as coincidence! We are testifying! As Ru dropped yesterday, Isaiah 55:11! We have sent out the Word, it cannot return void! He honours His Word, Nothing is too big for HIM to do. Our own is just to commit it to Him (as we did in January) and continue praising and thanking Him until its physical manifestation! Let’s leave the hows and whens to HIM oo!
    Past testimonies are a great way to encourage ourselves, it’s like a CV and a reminder; He can do it. He has done it before, He will do it again!!!
    Praise GOD jare, 2014 WAS a fantastic year!!!
    *sipping my cranberry juice* 😀
    GOD bless you E’ hun!

    1. The BUSINESS yo!!!
      And our CEO indeed.
      Preach mama!!! It WAS a fantastic year ooo.
      Enjoy your cranberry boo

  2. Thanks E for this post. God’s word can never go back to Him void. Rehearsing my testimonies already. Fab year it is for me. *doing the bumbum dance* I want ice cream.

    1. You got your Häagen dazs ice cream and you got your Shawn T insanity video!!!
      Enjoy baby… We would need to indulge ourselves some as the testimonies continue to roll in…

  3. Yes o, yes o… who no know go know. o ga’eme ha voom n’anya… I love me FAB ladies…
    GOD bless us all, amen…

    Taking it FORWARD the GOD way….

    1. Nne voooooooooooooooooooom
      Shebi na here. We will still yet testify. We are still moving forward ++++

  4. My charmer, what can I say? Its a timely post, had a lot going on in my mind, launching out into new grounds, its scary, lots of tots too. The enemy tryin to discourage me with a few stuff around me, I just put up God is faithful on my pm wit my two baby bros. Looking at them just reminds me God can do anything if we just believe. Advance praise.

    1. SuperSTARship!!!
      You already have your faith boosters in those babies yo!!! I actually have my faith boosters in them too. #SharingisCaring#
      Anything’s possible ooo.
      Ground’s conquered already baby…
      Moreover we should hook up… You I and Femmetotale 🙂

  5. I cant wait to testify. Things gettin me down nd under. I continue to lean on Him nd press forward. I remember and keep close to heart that He has never failed me yet.

  6. God is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all you can ask or think according to the power that worketh in us (ephesians 3:20) God is able to do just what he says he will do. He’s gonna fulfill every promise to you. Don’t give up on God and he won’t give up on you. He’s able!
    This song by Deitrick Haddon and that verse has been speaking to me for a while now and came to my spirit as i read this post. Festival of life also had this overtone. Im so excited for my blessings and i pray God fulfils his promise to each and every one of us in Jesus Mighty Name. Amen
    God is so faithful. Thanks eziaha for this reassuring post. Eziaha i always run out of things to say about u. All i can say is thank you, thank you, thank you.

    1. Thanks hun
      God bless you.
      And my, don’t we all just LOVE that Deitrick’s song? Tz a classic for life!!!
      Oh yes yes yes yes yes!!! He’s ABLE

      Hugs b

  7. “The clouds are getting full. When it is full, the rains will pour.”
    I loveee the above statement!
    the clouds are indeed getting full!
    like what Pastor Nathaniel said in church one day “prayers are never wasted, they will speak for you when the time is right. keep building the clouds with the prayers, it will rain soon”(paraphrased)
    E, this post is soooo worded, will be back and back again to read..

    1. My dear, it was a collective effort by me and my group ooo. I basically just transcribed our prayers that night so that even me can read and re-read again
      And Pastor Nath, soooo on point.
      We must testify

  8. Just in time! Was sooO needed. God Bless You E’… + I’ve missed you. I know its been a while but It is well. Tanks so much
    Sending you.. squeeze-you-tite-spin-you-around Bear Hugs. Love you Sweets

  9. Ezii, wat can i say? dis is soo timely.
    d devil was kinda playing with ma mind but God is faithful, i repeat God is Faithful yo! Right now ,am encourage, i CHOOSE to trust him.
    Thanks babes, u are a blessing.

  10. Thanks ezii baby,my spirit is so lifted that am dancing to sinach’s I KNOW WHO I AM . One thing I know for sure is that this year is OUR YEAR OF GOD’S MANIFEST GLORY. Muah to all Fabers,we must testify whether devil likes it or not.

  11. woah! I commented here in the morning, cant find it here..just stopped by to drop a word I got from Church today and thought of this post.
    The minister said “some of us go through stuff in our lives that we cant define because we don’t have the presence of God with us. if we do, we will see the end and know that its all well and then walk confidently”
    It maybe hard but I think its a time to grow in the Spirit, so much so that like Paul, we can say rejoice even in trials!
    Because we know it will all end well.
    May God grant us grace, amen

  12. Dancing and shaking bumbum in the devil’s face…smh. Only you, E. Only you! Lool 😀

    But I can’t wait to testify like the others sha 🙂

  13. Zezezeze indeed! Every line is loaded. I’m encouraged. Was already wondering if I was dreaming too much sef. ‘If u left it in His hands in january, its safe there’. I should keep reminding myself that its in His hands. Thanks mama for this.
    Mama makes me emotional. All this lurving on the Fab lane. Thanks mama. I’m so honoured. Love you big.

  14. So I first saw this post at a time I was refusing to encourage myself., so I JUST LOGGED OUT!!!
    At a time I just wanted to wallow in despair…..So i buzz home girl E’…Next thing she gives me bible passages straight from heaven.. Need I say I am more fired up than I was.. I like how the msg bible puts Psalm 21vs6: David encouraged himself by trusting in the Lord.
    Today I am like bring it on Devil because I Know Psalms 34vs5 ALWAYS holds and bcos God is not unrighteous to forget my labour of love.
    I love u mega Eziaha! and I miss ur hugs.

  15. Chaaaii! Painment of the century eehh, so I missed out on that prayer nite *serious sobs*. Thanks darlin E’ for sharing here, since there is no distance in d realm of d spirit, i tap in rite now. Lots of luv , mwuah!

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