Hey guys…

Phew. It has been REAL guys. This weekend at Upstream, DDK said something I understood at a level most won’t. she said
Prophetic vision is the gift of perspective. What this means is that you understand why God did what He did then, and link it to what He is doing now and what He has shown you concerning the future…
Deep stuff gaan, but I tell you guys, my P.V game has been real. My life today feels like a long stretch of P.Vision. The crazy thing is the adventure of it all. It moves so fast you don t have time to even tell the stories haha.

Which is why I can’t even come here and blog about our Dec 4 Powwow, which was PERFECT. I can’t even throw pictures everywhere.

You wont even understand but my prayer is that as it is whispered in heaven, you catch it very clearly and loudly here on earth…

Prophetic vision baby

But this is not why we are here…

Oh but I’ve been blogging steady on www.coachesquad.com

Check out my blog…

This morning, I woke and heard God tell me to blog about 2D and 3D conversations cos He needed to educate and deliver a few of His daughters. Something He has been gracious enough to teach me and I have been applying very generously to my life.

In October, I attended the Global Leadership Summit thanks to Daystar and Pastor Sam.

One of the speakers, Juliet Funt who spoke on the Upside of simplicity shared, among many concepts, what she called 2D and 3D conversations and taught us how to navigate them, ensuring that we are careful not to make 2D convos 3D and vice-versa.

Let me break it down…

2D conversations are simple… Yes or No. Could be a text, chat, and email and the likes
3D convos are richer and more engaging, like phone calls, video/conference calls, live meetings, etx.

One of the biggest mistakes that now waste our time will be making what should have been 2D now become 3D
So instead of sending a text to someone, which would perfectly pass the message and cut out long talk, you decide to call, then 10mins later, you are still talking. Instead of passing that info to your neighbor or colleague via email or text, you get up and go sit at their table to talk and it gets longer. That’s also why at conferences, they want you to write your questions (or testimonies in church) instead of giving you a mic and you just start telling us to story of your life and grand mothers…
Unnecessary conversations wasting my time cos I have promoted 2D to 3D

And it’s not just the time I spend picking the call, it’s that you have just broken my train of thoughts and set me back maybe an hour or 2. So wrong.

Conversely, I may be watering down content if I take what should be 3D to 2D, and the perfect example is between couples or even real close friends. Instead of you to sit down and talk something out richly, you reduce it to back and forth chats or text. Or instead of pouring your mind out, you resort to one-liners, forming passive aggression.
Your relationship is watered down and some essence is lost…

So now wisdom is determining which is which…
That is why I am not quick to pick every phone call. I prefer you send me a chat or text. That way I don’t give anyone permission to waste my time. In your text, you can pass your point across, sticking to the MAIN POINTS and then I can respond at my convenience. This saves me a LOT OF TIME and will save you too cos sadly, most people have absolutely no respect for this thing called TIME.

Sometimes when people send me a chat, I can discern that this is beyond 2D so I pick up the phone and call. I also do this with my weight loss clients. This gig can be tricky and emotional. Before, I would spend 20mins talking to a client, forming empathy and after all that time wasted, she will tell you Ok I will get back to you. Lol. Now I don’t. I have my packages and info in docs which I send or on my clipboard so I copy and paste.

Even when I have cause to speak, I know when to stop a 2D conversation that is trying to impersonate 3D. I intentionally don’t pick a lot of calls and instead send chats and messages so that we can keep things exactly in the box they belong… 2D. I now discern which should be 3D. I have heard people say they want to speak to me on something serious and when that call comes, it is even 1D. And I am quick to stop the train. My time is precious and you may think I am being proud or blabla but no, I am trying to simplify my life so I can be more productive and even make time for even richer conversations and relationships in my life.
That is why I wont always pick my calls… Sorry!!!

Recently someone called me and I had an idea why. I didn’t pick cos I thought a text should do. The next day she called again and just to confirm and get a story for this blog, I picked. Pure 2D. I shut it down quick.

Please let’s use texts and other 3D methods often. It will save everyone time.

I hope this gives you permission and wisdom to compartmentalize your life and conversations too…

Today, I’m off to see one of my mentors DDK. We have enjoyed a couple rich 2D conversations but she invited me over for some 3D today and I’m so excited. I have also pencilled down the type of questions and insight I want to bring to this table to make sure her time and mine is worth it and earns me further 3D convos in the future…

This also says that sometimes we need to earn 3D convos. Sadly our entitled generation almost demands you give them 3D only for them to be asking ‘How was your night?”

Common sense and wisdom in 2018 in Jesus name, AMEN!!!



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