Happy New Year my Darlings
I am so sorry for going AWOL all through the holidays…
Some of you also noticed my blog had been down for about a week, right into the New Year.
Let’s just say IT IS WELL , AMEN
Just sliding in to wish yawl a Happy New Year.
I know we all have the WORD FOR THE YEAR, from our Churches and some personal.
Have mine too. Like I have already shared here, the Word God gave me personally is NEXT LEVEL and how I got the Word from the interview of Steven Furtick with TD JAKES, on his latest book SOAR.

Like, God has used that book AND the interview to give me a TON of instructions for 2018. I have been leaning in to that book like crazy starting from November. Now imagine my absolute delight to find out the Word for the year at my NEW church DAYSTAR Christian CENTER
Gosh I am so excited, but now look at what my church family DAVID’S Christian CENTER DCC is enjoying as promise from God this year…
I totally can connect with this word like crazy and I have totally TAKEN IT. You need to see me screaming as I watched the crossover with DCC.
It all makes sense baby
This 2018, I am getting my FULL REWARD and SOARING HIGHER into my NEXT LEVEL…
Drops mic.
Now I won’t even lie to you, 7 days into the year and it has been REAL!!!
But tell you what, this year has birthed and unlocked a new level of FIGHT within me.
Spent 31st with my accountability partner praying and discussing the New Year.

Loved that I could be REAL RAW AND VULNERABLE with her cos satan is not winning any thing.
Then just as we crossed into the year. God sent me 2 super on fire sisters as prayer partners. I am SO SUPER EXCITED about having sisters on fire with whom we can press into God for hours in prayers, praise and worship.
I NEED IT like crazy
And hey, I will still do a whole blog on this but yay for my very first POWWOW with E’ this year and this time, it is me and my mama who I love like crazy DDK
Stay at home moms who feel like they need a RADICAL TRANSFORMATION, then you wanna jump right in and register. God is about to literally BLOW YOUR MIND with a METAMORPHO-O!!!
I am so thankful to have DDK on board cos she has been a HUGE part of my own METAMORPHO-O!!!

I will be back to do a whole blog on it tomorrow or Tuesday but wanted to just drop it here quickly.

Love yawl. Kisses.
Happy New Year E’!
On POWWOW, God bless you and DDK!
Amen thanks love