Shalom Shalom sisters. How are you doing? I am sure by now you already know how I’ll be celebrating my 38th birthday. But just In case you don’t, we’ll be having the SAVE OUR CHILDREN GLOBAL WELLNESS REVIVAL which will also be the book Launch of the Wellness Champions book.
There’s a GLOBAL JUNK PANDEMIC and HEALTH CRISIS which is increasing by the day. Children’s future will not be SAFE if we keep folding our hands. Hence, we need to save our children! As result of this, we’ll be launching the Wellness Champions book come Saturday, June 29 at MUSON CENTER, LAGOS STATE NIGERIA. But first, we released a documentary.
The feedback has been so beautiful to read. Truth be told, we did a thing with the documentary. Please watch the full documentary here.

Back to the Book Launch which is also the D-day for the SAVE OUR CHILDREN GLOBAL WELLNESS REVIVAL. We have started taking registration for both ONSITE and VIRTUAL attendance. Registering means that you’ll get to attend (onsite or virtually) and also get your own copy of the WELLNESS CHAMPIONS BOOK by Eziaha Bolaji Olojo. Sound good? Register here with 10,000 naira.
Would you love to pray along with us? It’ll go a long way. Access our prayer playbook here. Want to join our Publicity team? Join here.
Shalom Shalom sisters. Talk to you later.
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