Dear Stay-at-Home Mom, Maybe You Need a Social Media Break

NB: This post was originally authored by me and featured on, an online lifestyle blog. In the Power of Moments by Chip and Dan Heath, the authors prescribed that in creating moments with our kids, we should ask them to plan an entire 24-hour day, and we parents must do everything that has been planned out […]

The Recruitment Process For Your Domestic Help

NB: This blog post was authored by me and published on, a lifestyle blog site. I have seen some women look for physically unattractive ladies, or even males instead, because of their husbands, and that is also worth considering if you feel a need to. No wisdom in putting bananas in front of a […]

For the Domestic Queen, the Learning Never Stops

NB: This post was originally authored by me and published on on, a lifestyle blogging site. Before I jump right into this, can I just say that every woman who runs a home is a Domestic Queen. While I mostly use this term for “stay-at-home moms,” especially moms who gave up a career temporarily […]

They Will Need Your Permission First

NB: This Blog post was authored by me and published on, a lifestyle online blog. It happened to me again recently, and as I told my husband, he was like, “Are you sure you are not just imagining things?” I smiled and didn’t bother trying to explain further. Ko le ye won. He wouldn’t understand. […]