Hello world…
I’ll start this one a rednote…
I absolutely hate having my period…aside from the fact that its just eeky, it comes with a lot of pain… I’m as regular as a swiss clockwork so I should be expectant and all ready but m never ever ready for it. I’m currently on all sorts of drugs and recently I considered the Pill sef just that I don’t want complications abeg. I’ll rather deal with the dysmenorrhea than do something wrong to my Reproductive system abeg. The upside to this is that my period lasts only 2days and d pain lasts just between 20 and 24hrs. By day3, m spotting… Yes I’m lucky and blessed and triumphant… And to make matters sweeter, this time I feel absolutely NO PAIN after about 3hours. I also hear that for those of us with dysmenorrhea which is just big grammer for menstrual Pain, we have the smoothest easiest Labour… Yay us!!!
I hope no one is cringing at this talk about menstruation. I wonder why we like to hide or be prudish about it. Deal is if you are not a woman,then u are a man that has a wife or girlfriend who hopefully has not taken pills to stop her natural flow altogether. You do know there are pills for that stuff yeah? A Single friend of mine considered it seriously once but I really advised her against it.
Deal is, such stuff aint so secret so just quit the secret drama already…
Still speaking on ‘secret’ matters. Let’s talk Rape some… If you are active on Social networking sites or are internet savvy or interested in Nigeria, you would have realised that the FG vis her Ministry of Youth launched a toll free line- a Rape Helpline that is…
Incase you missed it, tz 080072732255. It doesn’t run for 24hours yet but soon it will. Also Naeto C is one of the Torchbearers appointed for this Campaign. Good stuff. I hope this helps to curb the viral and brazen stuff that Rape in Naija is becoming. Also the FG just like it passed the anti gay bill also plans to pass one on Rape soon. I heard. So on radio, Nigeria Info 99.3 which is the current rave in Lagos, they were discussing what kinda punishment would suffice for the Guilty ones. I heard the funniest things… Someone said the just break broom stick and pierce all over Dude’s penis, another said Prayer then sentence him to jail for 1year (which I find obtuse) someone said Psychiatry for life, another said the Bible said Judge not… Seriously!!!!
Well whatever the judgment, I just hope it serves at least to deter people who have such plans. And also I hope that some girls who has scores to settle with a guy would not now falsely accuse an innocent soul. Infact someone actually said that some girls rape guys too so the Bill should consider that…
Nigeria… Never a dull moment.
In some cheery news, I do hope you guys follow the right set of people on twitter. Yesterday mtn gave out a Playbook to their 100,000th follower just like that… I mean this is Xmas period plus end of the year so a lot of stuff would be going down as per Winnings and all from Companies and from Celebs who are not stingy eg Kemi Adetiba… So put ur twitter to good use…
So I had a photo session with some people yesterday. so much smiling even I got tired. It went well though. Sadly I can’t put up pictures just yet cos I am not authorized to and also the others may not like it n all…
I typed all this from the backseat of my car then to waiting in Zenith Bank HQtrs for the HRM who told me to come in about an hour.
I’m sure an hour is almost up…
Finished just in time…
And yes I have been faithfully blogging this week.
I’m so happy and proud of me
Plus I just got a bright idea for my blog to be kicked off next year. Of course I am not sharing 😉
Have a fabulous wednesday y’all
And be kind to one another


be kind to one another
Fab Black Sister

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