My journey in TFS so far has been so wonderful, interesting and amazing cause have really learnt a lot, got to know new things, mindset has been restructured. And my life has been changed positively.
I Have learnt that a to-do list makes my daily activities more ordered, also puts me in check on time management and makes me not to proscastinate.
And now am proud to have a to-do list where I put down every of my daily activities.
I also do have a prayer schedule now. Where I wrote out scriptures in the Bible to pray with. And have learnt on journalling.
Have also learn on how to manage friendships and relationship. Have been enlightened so much on how to discern and choose the right friends and evaluating my circle of friendship.
Having a Bible reading plan is important for me because it helps me to knowing the deep things of God, putting my life in check and hence having a more deeper relationship with God.
I have also come to understand that my daily must is a standard thing I should always follow to make sure my day is ordered and balanced. My life has changed remarkably, since I started declaring God’s word and promises over my life and destiny
Am a goal setter with actionable plans to help me achieve my desired goals and making God the determinant factor in achieving them.
I want to appreciate TFS Academy for immensely impacting my life with wisdom. May God continue to increase her borders of influence.
Love Jenniffer