I have finally accepted the fact that waking up regularly at night to go to the bathroom comes with the pregnancy package. It was one of those times that I checked my phone only to see that Pastor M had a post up on www.justusgirlsnaija.com The title was all I needed to know that this would be all about our gorgeous Diva-Vida.

Davida Ifechukwunyediche Okonkwo
Davida Ifechukwunyediche Okonkwo
Gorgeous baby
Gorgeous baby













I knew it would still be there by morning so I quickly went back to sleep. Come morning, I settled down to read it… The post was sweet… Pictures and stuff, some I had never seen. Got to the end and what!!!! My picture with Vida was absent!!!

Daddy's girl
Daddy’s girl













Even the one with my mom when we visited.

dragged momsie to see 'Vida
dragged momsie to see ‘Vida













But pictures aside, I actually want to pass a message across just celebrating God’s faithfulness if only we too stay faithful to the very end !!!

I have seen people panic at months post-wedding when the baby doesn’t come. But somewhere in my head too, I’m like it shouldn’t be too hard to wait for 1year, tops 2years ttc (trying to conceive). But how do you stay in faith for 8solid years for a child especially as a Pastor who preaches faith without losing your mind and faith? How do you keep your joy, dedicating and celebrating babies/families almost every week like DCC babies land? I once heard Pastor M say something like ‘ttc women always have packs of pregnancy test strips at home regularly doing urine tests’ and I can’t even imagine how crazy and emotional it would be every time you did a test and it turned out negative. I recall the morning I did a test for the very first time using a strip (after Aunty Flo refused to turn up) and it came out positive and I was about to start whining about how I wasn’t ready yet and how I wanted a June baby not February and how I was about to start a new job etc. I just heard Pastor M’s voice on this whole PT strip ish and instantly, I profusely became intensely grateful.









I dunno if DCC members wondered but I’ll be frank, I did wonder. You’ll almost want to ‘understand’ the person who told Pastor M to be preaching this ‘faith’ and ‘God’s Word works’ thing which she ALWAYS says small small ooo. Pastor K would preach up a storm about faith and how faith always produces without mincing words (and he’ll always quote ‘None shall be barren in the land’ *in PK’s no-nonsense voice*) and I’ll go back to God and ask very mannnnnnnnnny questions. Questions I wouldn’t dare to ask anyone else. However, after constantly listening to PK on a regular, I realized that the devil is indeed a bastard and that the testimony was only a matter of time. I mean, I was so sure Pastor M would have her children (and she never says child, She always says CHILDREN.

Then sometime in February last year, I was in Ibadan in my Booski’s room chatting with Pastor M on BBM and gist enter gist and she mentioned that she was pregnant. Ah, that day I cried for joy and she was like ‘You haven’t even heard the full gist. Sometime in June, we would have a program and I would share it fully’. I felt soooooooooo special being one of the earlier people to hear before she went public. As much as I knew the babies would come, it was still such a shock. Like someone commented on her ‘Speechless’ post, this God will say ‘You will testify’ and then will do it in such a way that you won’t have the mouth to testify. Then she took a Wednesday to share the testimony in some detail. Interestingly I wasn’t in church that day so I got the CD. I cried again just listening. So this wahala don dey sef since she was 16!!! Pastor K also spoke in several messages about the whole blood-drama. The fact that I HATE blood and thankfully I flow for just under two days made me heartbroken that someone would bleed for weeks on end like a running tap. Goodness!!! Then over 10 Doctors tell you you can’t have children. If Pastor M was my biological sister, I would be crying every day for her lol. (Diche did you cry? Lol)

Diche and 'Vida
Diche and ‘Vida













In that message, I recall she mentioned how someone sent her a hate mail on how she doesn’t have a child yet and all she’s doing is just eating her hubby’s money, etc. I mean, how wicked can someone get? I recall how Pastor M just likened all that to Peniniah tormenting Hannah and how that pushed her to her place of prayers and ultimate miracle of Samuel. I love how PK says that Peniniah’s one billion kids (bomboys like PK said) didn’t even get as much as a mention in the bible but Hannah’s ONE got not just a mention but two books- 1st and 2nd Samuel for good measure. I LOVE how Pastor M’s testimony has birthed soooooo many more miracle children. I love that Vida came at a time when PK was no longer broke and managing but had grown his finances to a point where even if Pastor M wanted to have that baby on the moon, it would have been possible. I mean, he flew his wife first to go have the baby abroad, with Dassah too to stay with Momma and continue schooling there, then flew her friend Mabel to stay with her, and then when Vida landed, he flew his mom-in-law to join them,

Grandmother joy
Grandmother joy













when she said she was lonely (or was it her hubby that was lonely), he flew the man to join his wife, then when more hands were needed, he flew my darling darling Diche, Pastor M’s sis to join ‘em and was like ‘anymore person to FLEW?’ You gotta love PK mehn… Lol.

Loh' my Pastor
Loh’ my Pastor













Look, I have more gist ooo but don’t let me go on.

Isn’t God amazingly faithful? Like Pastor M calls him- ‘Doctor’s report canceller’.
















The thing is that while we respect Doctors and their knowledge, they are NOT God and so Pastor M decided to save herself all that headache that comes with tests and stuff and just trust ABSOLUTELY in God and her 2013 new year present was PREGNANCY and then our gorgeous Diva-Vida turns up this day last year. Of course BBM didn’t stop buzzing when Vida was born. It was the most amazing news that day. I recall I was on my way to Asaba for Booski’s wedding when she came. Post here https://eziaha.com/2013/08/23/attitudeogratitude-day-davida/

wpid-screen_20130823_1508383 wpid-screen_20130823_2223123











Again, God’s word works absolutely!!! Trust the devil, he will always show face to try to make you doubt but I learnt from PK that when the devil comes, you don’t waste any time talking to him, you go back to the Word that you have and stand on it till your testimony comes. I mean, Exodus 23:26 still dey Bible na abi? None shall be barren in the land. And PK would not even sweat the fact that Pastor M would surely have her testimony. I LOVE PK ooo kai. I love PK. I might not be the daughter who talks to him every day but hey thank God for messages ooo. I listen to PK a lot and I can boldly say I am my Father’s (PK’s) daughter and this faith business, I can get as crazy as PK. Yup, that is how my UN job came. Refresh here https://eziaha.com/2014/06/29/dlifeofe-a-life-of-faith/

Now listen up, you may not be trusting God for any medical condition or a child but we all have what we are trusting for. I dare you to stay in faith and run the devil outta town. I got this mail from Joel Osteen this week and it tripped me mega. It was titled I DARE YOU. Look, we need to start trusting God for things that only Him can do. Drop your connections, degrees, qualifications, etc for once and just take up FAITH. Pray and believe for GOD-SIZED things. Stretch the boundaries of your faith biko. Can God? GOD CAN!!!

The testimony of one is the possibility of another. I like how the Book of Revelations put it

Rev 19:10 …The testimony of Jesus(Pastor M) is the spirit of prophecy…

Meaning that I can just take someone else’s testimony as my own prophecy.

God is absolutely FAITHFUL. See how gorgeous Vida is. Looking plenty like daddy. Anyways, the next one, na mummy go win. Or Dassah…

Happy birthday Diva-Vida. Just looking at you is a physical monument that God is truly faithful…

And happy birthday to my darling sister Priceless.













The unique thing about my friendship with Priceless is that she is my only close friend who goes to DCC and so I can freely talk to her about stuff and trust her to give me counsel DCC-style and not share opinion with me.













I know your secret darling but I will keep it FOR NOW. Hehehehehehehehehehehehehe

God bless you boo and you know I love and appreciate you real good. Thank you for just being there all the time.

Obviously great day to be born…

Happy weekend y’all and God’s grace be with y’all





My daddy was in town on Sunday and of course, I turned up for the program. Always always such a joy and blessing to see Rev.

See how I look like daddy
See how I look like daddy













rev and Vida too
rev and Vida too














As I was putting this post up, I was moving between my blog and Pastor M’s blog and my colleague saw this banner

Banner on Just us girls blog
Banner on Just us girls blog








and was like ‘..wow!!! Who are these fine girls?’ and trust my boss, he is like ‘lemme see lemme see’ and I show him and added that they are married ooo some with kids and then that’s how they started attacking me, that why do they call themselves ‘Just us Girls’ that they are not girls they are mamas etc. I soooo laughed lol.


32 Responses

  1. Beautiful…truly beautiful…Davida is a Diva…GOD is great…happy birthday to Mildred’s wonderful beautiful Angel…we cannot thank GOD enough for the beauty of HIS miracles…GOD is great and Awesome indeed…+++

  2. Lol, I would have been crying o, but how do you cry for someone who isn’t crying for herself? PM’s faith helped mine a whole lot. She just kept believing so I had no choice but to believe wit her.
    My feelings when Davida came cannot be put into words. When we got d fone call I just got down on my knees and I remember amidst tears singing “Be magnified O Lord! You are higly exalted, you’ve proved there’s nothing you can’t do”
    Let me not even go into my mum’s drama, but I just thank God for his faithfulness. Vida’s arrival raised my faith level anoda million notches higher
    If God has said it, go and rest. He will do it! Period!!!

    1. I can imagine momsie’s drama. Or maybe I can’t. Lol
      True true one can’t cry more than the ‘bereaved’ so at some point their faith just strengthened me.
      Phew… Well worth it, the ntoi to the devil

    2. I know right
      Their faith just makes you a believer all over again

      Oh i cant imagine the drama of momsie.

      Ah receiving the end of our faith is amazing ooo

  3. Glory be to God, what a testimony. Happy birthday vida and if you are expecting a miracle don’t worry our miracle is soooo soon including me and you Eziaha. God bless you.

  4. Great is thy Faithfulness, no shadow of turning with thee……
    Thank you Fab E’.
    Oh for grace to trust Him more and yes, God sure teach us Patience while we wait on Him.

  5. Hmmmmm. PM story sha. I shared d mp3 where she shared her testimony with someone at work. The change in her was amazing. We tend to panicoooo. But if we can just hold on to God’s word and get past that worry stage, its a beautiful wait. Happy Birthday to Davida. I like d blue eyeshadow E’.

  6. what a pretty little girl God is just so great,all glory belong to him in his time he makes all things beautiful and he has for thisf amily, i mean look at how everyone was able to be present during her arrival it was Gods doing. i got emotional while reading this, sometimes we just have to be patient in the lord and keep praying the best was yet to come for this family and when she came it was in a mighty way surrounded by love. delay is never denial she arrived at er appointed time. i am in awe of God Grace, Faithfulness, love, mercy. My God is just too awesome

  7. I’ve commented a million times o, wonder y tiz not showing. Anyways thanks 4 d birthday wishes nne. You know I got nothin bt luvvvvv 4ya lollll. A happy buffday 2 Davida as well. Tiz indeed a great day 2b born.

  8. That baby is fiiiine! Glory to God!
    Eziaha, your testimony on your UN job did wonders to my faith! I read it on a Sunday morning in a cab going to church. It was long fa but wellllll worth it. It was a period when I’d found an office for my business in Abuja but the amount I needed was scary. Maybe I’ll mail you the entire kini sef.
    Bottom line.. I was given. All of it!

  9. That baby is fiiiine! Glory to God!
    Eziaha, your testimony on your UN job did wonders to my faith! I read it on a Sunday morning in a cab going to church. It was long fa but wellllll worth it. It was a period when I’d found an office for my business in Abuja but the amount I needed was scary. Maybe I’ll mail you the entire kini sef.
    Bottom line.. I was given. All Of it!

  10. Beautiful piece. We are in a place where Christians practise all sorts of Christianity but I will be damned if I dont stay with my God of Faith. I see Christians say they want to go and adopt and all that nonsense when the word of God has said none shall be barren in the land. Lets stay in faith, the bible says happy is the man who trusts God. I dont even have a choice because I cannot afford the quality of life I want to live but Jesus can, so faith is a no brainer for me. I dont have a choice.

    1. Oh wow
      Just reading the comment well.
      Adoption is NOT ‘all that nonsense’ oooo

      So who cares for those in motherless homes and co.

      Adoption Is welcome while you wait or even after the child comes. Doesn’t hurt your faith ooo

      But yes faith is not a choice oooo. Tz our must

  11. Wow God no get rival sha! Faith is the way to go! Lovely testimony, I take this post as my own prophecy. Come september, my testimony awaits!

  12. i remember when you shared this testimony with me, i was pants down stunned. I really didn’t know P.k and P.M then, but now that i do (through their messages), I have been absolutely blessed. Even my husband runs inside the room once i begin to play P.K’s message. His dramatic way of preaching excites me always. God bless them for being a blessing.

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