Heyyyyyyyy and Happy new decade, Fam.
We have closed admission into the WILD WOMEN for now. When we open this up again, it will be here on the blog.
Yawl, on the 31st night, I had a WHOLE meeting with myself and Jesus, and I was like “Dude are WE ready for this year laidis?”
Cos I didnt feel ready.
I started praying CONSISTENTLY into 2020 and the decade from literally July 1. Fasting and praying. I would take AT LEAST 30mins daily and just pray in the spirit for just 2020. Let’s just say prayers are DANGEROUS cos our God doesn’t play. All the weight that I lost was not even fitfam per se, it was back to back to back fasts for almost 6 months for this same 2020

So it was surreal thinking WOW, this is the beginning of the decade that has taken all this heavy level of spiritual activity and discipline
The crazy part is how at the end of the year, I found myself using my Tippex more and more. Meaning I was cancelling stuff I thought we had settled oooo. God will just shake it all up. I now decided maybe its pencil I should be using to write now
I recall my friend Ogo telling me around my birthday to hold on to everything loosely cos I’m literally dynamic… meaning what worked this month can be scattered next month so I must continue to pursue what I know He has told me to do PASSIONATELY but hold everything loosely so when the dynamic forces come to play, I too can easily let go.
Yawl!!!! Who else is HERE for prophetic friends? Likeeeeee a simple phonecall has me whipping out my journal to take notes.
Jesus ROCKS!!!!
I AM ABSOLUTELY IN LOVE with Him. And really this 2020, I’m pouring myself out to as many ladies as the Lord allows so we can all rock out our God together. I really am obsessed about looking around and seeing a sea of WILD strong passionate driven committed go getter, Jesus loving Chicks.
That’s the life ooo. We create rising tides for others and not just seek to be heroes.
One of such rising tides or outflows for me is COMMUNITY WILD!!!
I recall when the Lord told me to lay it down in June last year after we been going STRONG for a whole year. I was like Bruhhhhhhh!!! This thang is going SO WELL. WHY LAY IT DOWN?
And the answer He gave me had me obeying as quickly as Abraham.
I’m wise enough to choose my battles. God forbid I decide to battle with the Lord.
I’m like YES SIR.
And I knew to keep my radar up for when He would have me pick it back up. And by October or so, it was clear. The WILD WOMEN was coming back (this sounds like bad grammar but it isnt lol) in January
And the BEST part is this time, I dont get to run it alone as CAPTAIN WILD. God has graciously sent two of His daughters to carry this assignment with me….
Dammy Akinloye and Toyosi Bakare
My WILD sisters with the pastoral and prophetic gifting respectively.
And I’m primarily Apostolic in spiritual gifting so I’m excited at the combo …
Prophet, Pastor and Apostle.
I’m super excited because it just means God is set to do things on a triple level.
Plus I’m low key happy to share the pressure of leadership.
Scratch that…
I’m tumblin’ flippin’ excited MUCH lol
Ok so I’m super happy to open the doors to more chicks to join community Wild from January 1 to January 7 after which we shut down for a season. Please this includes my previous WILD sisters cos this is a new thing.
Technically the group will go live Sunday Jan 5 yay…
And even Yay’er, we kick off with a 21 day fast and we would pray and break together every day for those 21 days for just 15mins
You see, in this new decade, I can argue ALL DECADE long that part of the spiritual diet of God’s soldiers in this end time army is a life saturated with FASTING and PRAYING
I can argue it like I can argue my surname is Bolaji-Olojo.

Another thing I can argue is that we really need to be either plugged into a community or make/nurture/upgrade real intentional friendships that can provide the mutual support we all need to be useful for Jesus.
Which is why COMMUNITY WILD is not playing oooo and I’m so glad we are BACK!!!
And even better. This time around we will have LIVE RETREATS quarterly, accountability, and more. It is going to be REAL
God is so good
Just do me a mail with your WhatsApp number and a little about you.
Please read this two posts above for some info about the WILD WOMEN. It is NOT just another WhatsApp group mami… It’s also not Eziaha mentoring you ooo. And with all due humility, it’s not an Eziaha thing, just incase you think ehen now, I can be closer to Eziaha.
Ish. I’m not important like that biko.
It’s a WHOLE JESUS movement which I just happen to birth. It is MAJOR and will require your commitment like crazy or the train will leave you behind sis.
We are all there to draw from and cheer each other so what YOU will bring to the WILD is SO IMPORTANT you either bring it or take it somewhere else.
But if you are with us, YOU are with us.
And before you do the email to me, please sis read those two posts above so you know what you are getting into sis…
The NEW email addy is eziahaolojo@gmail.com
Super pumped to ring in the decade with my WILD sisters
Looooove you and can’t wait