Someone just made me deliriously happy… As in I am giddy with excitement. Tumblin’ flippin’ excited!
A very pretty girl. I met her less than a week ago and she has just started reading my blog. You see, I started broadcasting to all my contacts new blog posts. It took me a while to start cos frankly a lot of BCs are useless. Sorry USELESS. I used to fight people for sending me such BCs but now I just ‘end chat’ if I find it useless. But seriously I don’t mind again. In the past, I would just put the link up as my personal message, I’ll tweet and Facebook links too. That was all. But recently, someone started telling me to broadcast it. Someone by the way is the HOLY SPIRIT. It is kinda insultive when you feel that nudge in your spirit and you say ‘something’… the Holy Spirit aint a thing. But the nudge some people feel may be an evil spirit, mammy water herself or the witch in your village who is using your picture to fan herself, 🙂 so feel free to call it SOMETHING. Ok, as I was saying, someone told me to start the BCs. The feedback has been WOW and as a bonus too, my stats have soared. I am jaw-dropped drooling STUNNED as to how my musings here are impacting lives ooo. Small me. Small Eziaha. Chai… talk about a treasure in and earthen vessel indeed. Touching lives rocks ooo. Oluwa is DEFINATELY involved. Unlike the kokoconcert hehehe. Ok I had to throw that in. the craze on twitter as to the EVIL FATE that befell those who dressed up in high heels entered their cars and trekked to Jerusalem. Una never start. Mschewwww. If you don’t know what I am talking about, don’t worry LASTma hehehe. Like I was saying Oluwa is involved in this blog ooo. Ok one last story before I share the testimony by a reader of my blog. My BLOGimony…
Ok I am still not a bonafide member of DCC yet and that is because I am yet to conclude my believers’ class. But I have a cool story to defend that… Trust me you will love this. I joined DCC seriously about a year ago and in that one year I hardly stayed in Lagos. School is in Ibadan now try and keep up. So no time. But now I’m steady in lag before I relocate to my ‘promised land’ *insert sealed lips, evil grin and tongue out aka NTOI* so I am now a class away from being a legit DCC member. At the class today, my facilitator was talking about requirements of DCC members and the first of course is EVANGELISM. So she asked each of us why we thought it is so important. Yeah yeah people gave various biblical answers and trust ya girl nah, when I spoke she said that was the answer she was looking for (yeah I am good like that) What did I say? I said ‘That is because what we have is sooooooooooooooooo good that we cannot keep it all to ourselves.’ If you have caught this love relationship with Jehovah, as in really caught it, nobody will be begging you to share with others. That is why I love my blog. It allows me let you in on my love relationship with my LOVER… Cool story yeah? 🙂 Ok so on to the blogimony. Yes me sef I’m shaking my head vigorously at me…
So I sent a broadcast of the post ‘Your new year resolutions’ as usual and I got a lot of hailings, Re-BCs, PMs, tweets, Facebook posts, etc. All the glory to God. ALL… I had just made a new friend and so she was a new comer on my blog. Please read that post if you have been living under a rock and not read it yet. Then she hollered at me today. I’ll just post it here verbatim… with her permission of course.

I went to the church I mentioned earlier today. (I had encouraged her this week to take that step she wanted to take and attend a church she would really enjoy and not her parent’s Anglican church. She did today.)
‘I read your new year resolution blog. I have resolutions for 2013. The most important is getting back/closer to God. I left school some years back and its sad to say but I am not as close to Him as I used to. It opened the door way for wrong things especially as regards relationship. Funny thing is I didn’t even realize it. You know when you feel you know God yet you are not really growing but you are so used to the God thing that you do not even realize when you have slipped? It is so subtle. Some days ago I did my own reflection and I realized that I have let people in my life (especially guys) who should not have been in the first place. Sad and painful truth.
(This was a two way convo. I just encouraged her and said it was never too late to go back to her Father’s open arms. Ok the premise of the talk that followed concerns stuff about wanting to get into a relationship and maybe compromising and not living life to the full while waiting. You know that sort of thing where you tend to put your life on pause till the man shows up. Ok back to my fab sister. Yes Love, I know you have a sister brood already but a girl is allowed to attach, no?)
Hey she has just sent me a proper write up so i’ll copy and paste here…
“I read a post on Eziaha’s blog recently. It was on new year resolutions and it got me thinking. You see I’ve had a very interesting( bad and good) 2012. I won’t go into the details here. But the important thing is I’m alive and standing 🙂
For a while, I’ve been thinking of my life- my challenges mostly (shoot me, I know I should think happy thoughts always…). So, I saw her post and then did some deep reflections. Everything I’d been thinking of, decisions I’d made subconsciously, I finally organised.
Firstly, -‘m going back to my First Boyfriend- Jehovah. I slipped away from Him subtly. So I decided I’d pick up on my spiritual life.
Then I decided, I’ll travel in 2013. I love travelling yet I’ve never explored this hobby. This is cos I’ve been waiting patiently to go with The Man. Well, he’ll have to join me when he shows up. I’ll be rocking my life till he shows up.*wink *wink
I love sewing. I’ll do a lot of it in 2013. I also love volunteer work. Its something I’ve been praying for and seeking. An amazing opportunity for that just showed up!
I’ll also take charge in my career and life. Stuff I’m not happy with happened to me this year , but I realise that a lot of them happened occured cos I wasn’t sure of who I was. No matter ur degree, beauty, wealth, love of family and friends….you really don’t know WHO you are without God.
2013 will be different for me in a good way!”
Anonymous ”
The end…

I am deliriously happy. I am so with you on this sister, and I will check in with you occasionally. Remember I am a ping away. And you know I’m tough abi? And YES WE CAN!!! Meanwhile holler when you wanna do that Calabar trip. I could be interested too love.
Tell me people, is this not just LIFE…? Touching lives. (Ok just add eating indomie and egg…). I will stop here.
Meanwhile shout out to ChuChu my darling who hailed me about my posts now being short. WHOOP WHOOP. I hope this post didn’t just spoil that ooo. Yeah I know you guys are probably wondering if ‘short’ just changed meanings. Yes ooo. I write really lonnnnnnnnggggggggggggggg. But he said it is getting shorter. That is relative. That goes without saying I ‘preciate and welcome feedbacks ooo. About my blog. Is there something I am doing wrong? You think I can do better? I mean I know I am PERFECT but hey help me get perfectER (that opinion about my being perfect is NOT DEBATEABLE thank you very much). Chuchu also introduced me to another Christian blogger Sharon Obi whose blog just joined the list of my ‘fab blogs I love’. Check it out here www.sharonobi.wordpress.com. Thank us later.
Gosh 2012 is almost gone. Some blog posts are pending because pictures are not uploading and I so wanna add pictures to it. Painful much ooo. I don’t even know what to do. E PAIN ME OOOO… all these recent posts without pictures are not even making me happy ooo but God dey. Blog I will and read you guys must… 😉
Coming up soon, two more posts… ‘Don’t marry him if…’ which is a message my pastor Mildred preached at Love dating and marriage in DCC. BBM has a monitoring spirit walai… you guys see me listen to something and you start whining that I blog about it since I can’t send it via bbm to you. Goan buy it already jor. And T.H.A.N.K.F.U.L that would focus on an INEXHAUSTIBLE list of stuff I am thankful for in 2012.
Btw, two crazy things I am thinking of doing in the New Year. I am thinking of leaving BB finally ooo. Taking baby steps towards that. Let’s see how this goes sha. And also getting a crew cut and dying it a crazy color or two. I wear my hair short and natural atm. I am so tired of convention walai.
I just saw Tonto Dikeh on TV. This girl’s acting tho… plus the way she does her mouth.
I love my blog… LOVE
Stay inspired, lest you expire

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