…If there are no prayers that put your head between your knees. If there are no prayers that break your soul into many pieces and make you wail in tears with phlegm from your nose. If there are no such things going in your life as though a flood of the Spirit is ravaging your entire Spirit causing you to come humbly before God and you finally agree with Him what He wants to do with you, baby there is NO moving forward ooo… DDK #WarriorInHeels
Let’s put a pause on T.F.S and run this Post as divine interruptions happen, shall we?
Thank you!!!
Btw, hope we have all started digging into the Devotional
I soooooo have!!!
I heard this finger-licking delicious sermon in church on Sunday. Gosh PK is a boss!!! That rightly divides the WORD!!!
My Pastor Kingsley Okonkwo!!!
You see ehn, what is confronting us these days don pass all those kain prayer wey we dey pray lying down for bed…
You know all those prayers where you still dey speak phonetics and big big English, then in the middle, your phone red light attracts and you take a break, then go and weewee, then look out of the window, then…
You get my point, abi?
What is confronting us MOST TIMES requires that kinda prayer DDK spoke about above. I don’t see any body who enters the battlefield with his Blackberry or iPhone constantly checking it. Hian!!! Let’s stop being comedians ok…?
I totally understand what John said when he spoke of the violent taking it by force.
If there are no prayers that just get you flat on your face in tears, or pacing and declaring or kneeling and scattering things in the spirit such that when you are done, you are exhausted, honey we never start oooo.
Mehn, some things require a lot more than the Lord’s prayer.
Some prayers need to draw sweat and blood like Jesus prayed.
Some prayers need to mess up makeup, mascara and concealer.
Some prayers need to get you pacing upandan for a long time and when you check you realise you have done two hours tonguing…
Some prayers need for heaven (and maybe your neighbors) to hear your voice. Not because you are showing off but because you know that sometimes we just need need give that battle cry in war!!!
My heart has broken severally in recent times. I just wanna shake some people!!! I don’t even believe they are still eating and doing hair while Satan himself, not his demons ooo, have mounted garrison in your heart and home!!!
Your job is taking every single time you have to spend with God alone and/or in His house in fellowship because all the stupid time consuming jobs end up on your table, yet you have not booked a weekend getaway just to PRAY fire down on people!!! I know someone who calls such nonsense Ogas CANDIDATES FOR BREEZE. Breeze from heaven go just blow them comot.
You get pregnant, miscarry and that is the order of the day and yet you are still watching Telemundo (yawl can tell my hatred for Telemundo is real, yeah?)
Or maybe tz a battle for your health (whish is really a battle for your life). You can’t be praying small small ooo. I recall when Joyce turned up with Breast cancer.
She said she was awake at certain times every night praying fervently for her health because she was plenty scared. Or was it Chris Caine’s cancer of the throat???
42 abi 48 scriptures on health all handwritten, morning noon and night, aunty will bring them all out and war!!! Infact she already said she only told FIVE people because she didn’t need nobody tampering with her faith as she wars. You think she would have been praying scripted prayers then??? Sigh!!!
Or maybe you are struggling with some stupid soul tie and you find yourself going back again and again to a wrong relationship and you haven’t blocked out one weekend to hold the horns of the altar, not getting out till the ties are broken!!!
You have been married three years and have been believing for you and your hubs to be settled under one roof (operative word? SETTLED) yet everytime it looks like something wants to happen, devil comes and spoils it. And because this is my story, I’m gonna camp here a bit.
You see, after reading Nneka’s book ehn, I felt a tug in my heart that this battle is something I need to focus and fight. This Victory was taking forever biko and even though, we have been praying, I wasn’t giving it the right attention it deserved. I was handling a PhD problem with pre-schoolers crayon.
I had been a Full Time comedian, at least on this matter!!!
The funny thing is that devil was beginning to even do more and more damage till one last straw that got hubs and I just maaaaaaaadddddd!!!
Guys, just stay tuned for my testimony!!! The worst part is that what the devil is coming for is really my marriage which is why he is fighting so hard to keep us apart but thunder fire him.
Ko sere ni Moscow, mehn!!! Tz Battle time!!! Something major must SHIFT!!!
Or maybe your kids are always in and out of the hospital, dashing doctors hardearned money upandan, yet you still have time to enter Tiwa Savage’s marriage matter. Honey, don’t be a comedian!!!
At some point in your life, you should CLAP BACK and say GAME ON!!!
Hopefully, that point doesn’t come too late. Hopefully.
Being ‘at ease in Zion’ is a terrible something. Because everything is going on well, you now start sleeping and snoring both physically and spiritually. Well done!!! Woooooooooooh, better buckle up ooo.
Even if all is well with you, you forbid to pray for your brethren in the Lord? Your Single Sisters, ladies in faith for kids, people going through difficult situations, etc. I don’t know why you won’t stand in the gap for others. You don’t know this thing we are in no be sprint oooo. Na relay race ooo and we need each other
I had goosebumps when I heard Chris talk about her friend who stayed on her face praying for her all the while she was in the theatre. She sent her that message saying nothing will happen because she won’t sleep or stop praying until Chris comes out alive and well. I suspect that was Beth Moore. Stop gossiping and start standing in the gap for people hun!!! Where their strength is waning or they are going through a rough patch season, be a warring Intercessor. Deprive yourself of 1hour of sleep and stay on your face before God for your friend’s marriage going through tough times. If you find any program that would bless them, invite them. Or buy the CD and send to them. Call out the warriors in your friends too. Live your life for more than that 3 letter word
Now lemme enter the scripture PK shared that made me sooooo happy. In 2 Kings 20, Isaiah came to tell Hezekiah that God said he will die so ‘put your house in order’. The Bible records that Hezekiah turned his face to the wall to pray and that he cried VERY HARD!!! MSG says the tears floweeeed. Imagine a King bawling!!! Before the Prophet left the middle courtyard, God sent a Word to him again to GO BACK and tell Hezekiah he won’t die again but rather 15years were added to his life!!! Read verse 1-6. It is unbelievable.
Prayer changes things!!!
Some kinda ‘things’ require some kinda PRAYERS!!! I recall one day I was just flat broke with bills running up and pending seeds. Now I could have asily asked my husband but I felt like I should go pray first. Recall God and not your hubs is your ONLY SOURCE. I just went and poured my heart to God and just prayyyyeed. No kidding when I got up and picked my phone, a friend had sent me 20k just like that.
It was like feeeeeeeem!!!
Yawl, can we get serious??? Can we just get serious!!! Can we be like that Ilesha man who you can’t owe money because he will stayyyyyyyyyyy right at your dormot till you pay? Can we disturb heaven that way?
Can we stop giving the battles another name, dismissing or downplaying it while the devil laughs at us?
Can I speak the truth to yawl for a minute?
#GroupHug First
Can you stop saying ‘this post/message/word was for me’ to every message and yet NOT even go to war with it till it manifests?
Instead we are looking for the next conference, convention, message, book and blogpost. Have you warrrrrreeeeeddddd with the last WORD you got? You want me to send you another message because I blogged about it but have you really listened to and ENTERED the last onessssss I sent ya?
Sometimes our pee is too much information gotten wayyyy too fast.
No time for it to sink in
No time for us to reeeeaaalllly pray. Instead we are looking for the next blogpost from heaven. Honey, war with the one in your hand.
Pray like your life depends on it. Because it does!!!
I strongly sense that God is doing BIG things this season and the way to lambano it is in and with our prayers.
So ladies, especially this Month, going forward. Forget how dry your altar has been and just decide that this May oooooo, nothing is funny anymore. Be intentional about your prayer place and your Quiet time (don’t take literally ooo lol)
Decide that for everything that is not right or perfect in your life, or for every blow the enemy throws, You are clapping back at him and going GAME ON!!!
Or if you like, WAR ON!!!
I’ve experienced the efficacy of prayers, first hand. I know God is not an irresponsible father, He gives when we ask. I know all these and more but sometimes, i forget. In your words, i guess i’ve been a grade A comedian on some issues!
‘What a privilege to carry EVERYTHING to God in prayer’!
My husband has been writing some exams for a while now, the same exams o. He’s written it repeatedly like three times now. Of course we’ve been praying but kai, no be dah kain prayer. I always feel very angry in my Spirit whenever the result comes out negative and God has been speaking to me clearly on standing in gap for him and praying things through but i’m just here thinking about all the reasons i can’t start just yet. Thank you for the necessary push dear, time to WAR!
And if I may add, sometimes when things are going wrong around us (not necessarily in our own homes), God is simply drawing our attention to one of the devil’s ‘ojoro’. But like you said, we cannot afford to be at ease in Zion, we must fight from the standpoint of victory. We must fight well.
Thank you E, thank you!
Oh my heart skips when I read someone who really gets my message
I feel like hugging you!!!
We are not giving up darling. we are WARRIORS!!!
Reblogged this on Bukky's Blog and commented:
Time to war!!
Yes baby!!!
It is a battle field not a playground and it simply means one thing; war!!! .my spirit is busting out in praise as I read this…my message and spiritual challenge even before the year 2015 came to an end was simple ” on guard” be alert, stand in a fighting position and fight. And the good news is that we fight a Victor standpoint and true, true prayer WORKS…it’s not a wishful thinking, it’s a fact.
We are Warriors! !!
I can’t even add anything to this. AWESOME!!!
Btw I got your mail. Wil ring ya this week or weekend
Noted. GAME ON!!!
Yes baby!!!
No p.s and p.p.s in this post! That must be a first… You really really spoke right to me! #GameOn
I was so sleepy. I just published and slept off immediately.
I usually like to add SFnF in every post but nne ura ji’m eji haha
*snaps finger*
Game on!!!
High five!!!!
Reblogged this on More than Average and commented:
Are You Still Sleeping On Okada?
nO NO NO!!!
We can’t be sleeping on an okada
E’ my fab aunt, thank God for you o…….. you did a post on warriors in heels and i talked about my supervisor in the comments section. Well, this is my testimony…. God turned his heart for me, the level of favour i enjoyed eh… only Jesus could have done it. it
fab aunt??/
Looool thought I had heard it all
Oh wow. I recall ur comment.
Oh if only we knew how powerful our prayers can be
Congrats hun. Enjoy
This post was much needed.Thanks so much for the motivation. You got me loling @ u forbid to pray for others. But I guess there is really no time for loafing about. Ko sere ni moscow.lool . Thanks once again dear. x
No time ooo
Ko sere ni Moscow mehn!!!
Thanks darling
Warrior E, Thank you once more for reminding me. Enough of lukewarm prayer life, this May, the devil is packing to the bottomless pit where he actually belongs. Looking forward to meeting you one day.
Yes hun that is the Spirit and fire I ans hoping GAME ON would ignite!!!
Please when you do meet me, don’t even be shy at all ooo
I LOVE meeting people
I just wanna say thank you for this post. I have been a quiet reader of your blog but this speaks right to me. I have been dealing with some things for a while now that I have been praying about but not the right way.. it’s time to go to war about it. Thank you so much for this post
YES PLEASE!!! Yes Yes Yes!!!
Hmmm… You have taken this to a whole new level. The devil had better get ready… #wearejustgettingstarted#
Like he better get ready!!!
Am a Big time comedian. I don’t need to be told. Lord have mercy on me. Am lost for more Words.
Lol @ “this post is for me”! Many of us are just hearers of the word and not doers and its sad because I’m even guilty.
Thank you for this post. God continue to bless you E.
Amen darling
thanks for reading too
I read this post the day it was posted and just as I was about to type in my comment the holy spirit nudged me to immediately go to war I dropped my phone switched off the TV and went into battle. thanks E for this timely message. I can’t come and go let the devil be playing ten-ten in my life #warrioress#
Thank you so much.i have been sleeping o.time to war
Hope you still are
I really love this post.
enough is enough for d devil to toy with us we need to sit up and war right.
I refuse to be manipulated by the devil. em own don too much self
Thanks for the word of charge..I got to get holy spirit working when i sing and healing taking place