***PICTURE OVERLOAD ALERT: Post contains a billion pictures. Just warning you ahead of time…***

The traditional wedding was about nine weeks ago… As expected, I have actually forgotten some stuff that went down but hey I will try.

That is my way of saying welcome welcome… Lol.

This post is totally about my Booski Dumebi. Part one and two all her… Of course you know I will definitely find a way to include my own face na…

So the traditional marriage…


I did a road trip to Asaba and I sorta enjoyed it although I got in a tad later than I expected and Dumebi kept following me with phonecalls. Ugh. Crazy girl.

I love suya so I always buy on road trips…


Dumebi made me so her makeup after all my protesting that I had gotten rusty ooo.


Anyways, i dusted my box, read my books a bit just before I left for Asaba


The drama started as soon as I walked into the Ononye mansion…

Ah, Dumebi’s family has drama sha. Tony, God will give you grace to handle Dumebi’s drama biko. Choi!!! As soon as Dumebi walked me into the sprawling compound, all her brothers displaced her and ushered me very regally in. I mean, the only thing they didn’t do was to lift me up the ground. Looool. I met her mom for the first time ever and it sure didn’t feel that way cos we have a phone relationship going already. Her mom who is so super pretty (DARK N OH SO LOVELY) with the loveliest toothy smile ever kept teasing me and my hips.


I was on flats that day and she kept saying she had never seen me on flats and I kept saying she had NEVER seen me before lol. I mean, you know how you have seen so much pictures of people and you feel like you know them. Dumebi’s mom is just bristling with fun. Now you know where my Booski gets all her energy from. And she can cook eh, chai!!! I had the BEST pepper soup ever and ofe nsala.


Abeg that pepper soup was born again. You know how people make pepper and water and have the nerve to call it Pepper soup? This one was the real PEPPER SOUP with the right amount of pepper and plenty fish.


Ah, God bless you ma for that brekkie jor. Infact, I ate so much in the few hours I was in Asaba. Delicacies didn’t stop flowing from her kitchen, I doubt I even ate the wedding food as I was feeling Momsie’ food too much. And her mom was so open to me. You know how Yoruba people can like to put barriers and stuff when there is a major occasion even when they don’t have to. Not Dumebi’s mom. She made me feel so special and welcome and most importantly, AT HOME!!!


She even insisted that I had to be the One in charge of the monies because she trusts me. Hehehehe. That was such a huge statement cos we were not talking small money. You know my Booski’s father is a Politician Doctor lol.

20130824_112047 DADDY’S DRAMA QUEEN

Anyways, the wedding was on Saturday and I got in Friday. We first had to go to the ‘village’ for the ceremony first and then return to her father’s house for the reception. I say ‘Village’ cos it was like a ten minute drive from town. Before leaving for the village though, we had a photo session… Enjoy some pictures

20130824_105726 interview with the Bride…

20130824_105752 the silly girl actually said ‘Finally, I can start making babies’ when she was asked how she felt about being married today…

20130824_110121 The Ononye family less one

20130824_110418 her elder brothers

20130824_110510 The best friend one can ever have… E’ (d’uh Dumebi did you think it was you? hiss)

20130824_111158 Her eldest bro

20130824_111959 Love in Asaba

20130824_111312 E’

20130824_111244 E’ again (Like you can get tired of me)

20130824_112030 Proud parents.

20130824_112121 Aha the complete ONONYE fam

20130824_112742 With the Ibadan Asoebi girls

20130824_113341 With her inlaws…

20130824_113703 With her mom-in-law

20130824_113630 with her sisters-in-law


20130824_113418 I love luv this pic

It rained the night before. Heavy rain and so it affected the reception set-up some. See Dumebi waking up and giving orders to her brothers to do this and that FROM THE WINDOW ooo. Very naughty girl.

Dumebi is the only girl with three boys and so she can get away with murder lol. Lucky for us, the venue was fixed way before the reception started and the rains didn’t start again till the event was over.

Oh lemme mention Dumebi’s daddy the Doctor.


First thing Doc said when he saw me was ‘So you really made a First class?’ Lol. To him, that was the koko ooo. Like I was surprised. First class was all he was interested in. got me a nod and a back slap of approval from our one and only DADABOOOOO lol.

first class This was something Dumebi said to me December last year. True true that!!!

Because I have done a picture Overload on this Post, you should check back tomorrow for the part 2…

I will schedule it for noon.

Keep a date…




I should totally be divided into THREE equal parts at work!!! Haba!!! This morning, I felt that way. And I will be away Thursday and Friday. I feel for them already. Lol. this is my way of saying I am a very USEFUL staff here ooo. I really really love my Job and by extension, my service year…


Recall yesterday that I said I was going to get my Maid of Honor dress at COB. Well, I got to the market and the market was a graveyard. i was so pissed haba. They say they are crowning another Iyaloja since Tinubu’s momma had passed. I may be wrong but I don’t think that is a godd reason to SHUT THE ENTIRE MARKETS DOWN!!!! Hiss. I so grumbled all the way home. Lol


I love how when i decide to do a post on something, the Universe just gives me the right pictures to buttress it. I have a screen shot for my VIRGINITY post already. A real one from a  convo I was involved in. I have to color the names of participants out if not they will kill me lol. You should watch out for that post. hope you have read Inthe’s post here

Then Marriage by the BOOK has done a pre-post which she titled

Hello Virgins, are you ready???

I like I Like this revolution we are starting. Like Inthe said, people don’t just need the Bible to show them to abstain, they actually also need encouragement cos it seems like the Virgins are getting the shorter end of the stick. Like MbdB said, WE NEED TO GO PUBLIC WITH THIS ONE… #NoShameInMyGame

This Blogging is so cool. Especially as we get to rep Christ!!!

Christian Bloggers ARISE & UNITE…


Imagine if I didn’t have a backup of all my pictures. I would not have been able to spam you with these pictures now lol

14 Responses

  1. Young lady, do not insult yoruba people, we can collect our bride price back O!
    You are lucky i love you, would have sprinted to ….you know where right now.

    1. I know this is your way of saying you miss me.
      I miss you too. Mega. Like almost out of my mind mega.
      Yesterday, Bolaji kept saying I was married to you not him cos i KEPT GOING ON AND ON
      And you know I will NEVER stop yabbing yoruba people so shut it already.
      You guys can come and take your bride price back already
      hiss much
      Love you baby

      1. lol! Afolabi has already given up on asking if i am married to you or him. lol! i miss you too boo. By the way, ur people have refused to return our money O! they want you married already. But i told them not to worry, we yorubas are capable of handling your plenty drama. You see, even your people recognize our capabilities and think u deserve to be with us *tongue out* love u muchos

  2. Lol…this was one exciting plus hilarious read!…Dumebi is such a delectable-vivacious somborry with plenty drama o…lol
    See the way she was hugging her in-laws with all the theatrical energy of “una must love me by force” ….lol…..
    Cheers to an immeasurable barrage of blessings coming in this already-begun phase of her life… Bless her heart!

    I read a wealth of good,enviable meaning from these pictures especially the family ones….Thumbs up!

    I’m glad Dumebi harassed you to do her make-up..Good for you…
    Lol@spirited regal welcome by her brothers…too funny..
    So food can be born-again? Eziaha!!!….*chuckling*
    I’lld just ignore the yoruba bit you canceled out in your description of people. God is wasshing you. *bbm rme*

    We are holding our breath for part 2 o(without your own pictures sha)!..hehehe And the virginity posts as well.
    Bring it on!

    1. without my pictures? are u smokin lzzy?
      My dear the way she was hugging them na die
      Dont worry hun, part 2 real soon
      yes ooo. Dumebi’s momsie’s food can amke u forget ur momma walahi
      Happy family i tell u

  3. nice posts you got here..feeling all the pics and stuff.i can tell you really had a nice time…PS : I haven’t heard from u in a while, tried messaging u on whatsapp. Pls holla back when u can,cheers.

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