donald lawrence

Donald Lawrence is EASILY one of my BESTESTESTEST Gospel Artists outside Nigeria. Right up there with Lecrae, and Donnie MY LOVE McClurkin…

His songs are ALIVE… I don’t know what else to use to describe his songs but that Word… ALIVE!!! Or LIVING!!!

His is the Cd you HAVE to buy or download if you don’ find to buy…

Kai… You won’t know when you start speaking in tongues…

I decided to share this song of his today… NOT making sense, making FAITH. It is one of my faves of his.

I will share the LYRICS and then a DOWNLOAD link

Been a while i rolled this segment E’ in da MIX.

female dj

Listen up y’all, when it comes to stuff in this our Christian walk, you shouldn’t bother explaining to the whole world… Koleyewon… THEY CAN’T UNDERSTAND.

And you can’t blame them. because to the world, it doesn’t make sense.

Heck, it can’t even make sense.

But it definitely makes faith and when it makes FAITH, it will ultimately make sense and o’ga eme VOOM n’anya…

The Song has no official video yet but on YouTube, there are ‘somethings’ to watch. I wish he had a video…

Anyhoos, enjoy


donald l

Faith is the substance of things hoped for,
The evidence of things not seen.
It lives beyond the senses,
You can’t see, you can’t touch, you just have it.
I’m in a season that requires GREAT faith.
Fear and doubt are all around me.
But I’m standing on what The Word says.
Faith is the evidence of what I can’t see.
And when people ask how I’m gonna do.
When I do what God told me to…
For the rest of my life I’m not making sense,
I’m making faith.

Don’t know how I’m gonna get there.
But I walk by faith

Don’t know how I’m gonna live there.
But the Just shall live by faith

Can’t even see the purpose that’s waiting there.
But I trust the Author of my faith.
And when people ask how I’m gonna do,
When I do what God told me to…
For the rest of my life I’m not making sense,
I’m making faith.

By faith we proclaim (understand).
By The Word the worlds were framed
For that which is seen
Hath not come from what appears in the scene
So don’t try to convince when your path doesn’t make sense
God is the author and finisher of your faith…
Stay In Faith You may not know how your gonna get there
But just walk by faith
You may not know how your gonna live there
But the just shall live by faith
You can’t even see the purpose that’s waiting there
But TRUST the author of your faith

Don’t know how I’m gonna get there.
But I walk by faith

Don’t know how I’m gonna live there.
But the Just shall live by faith

Can’t even see the purpose that’s waiting there.
But I trust the Author of my faith.
And when people ask how you gonna do
When you do what God told you to… (tell them this)
For the rest of my life I’m not making sense, I’m making faith.

Download link is here

Feel free to download other songs as that link has other songs of his. If you can’t download it, drop your email address and i will email it. It is such a large song.

So go ahead, THINK it, SAY it, DO it and BE it… It doesn’t have to make SENSE if it is making FAITH

With you in faith Sugar…


17 Responses

  1. In fact ehn, this is what has been replaying in my mind since I read your post Eziaha;

    ”I’m in a season that requires GREAT faith.
    Fear and doubt are all around me.
    But I’m standing on what The Word says.
    Faith is the evidence of what I can’t see.
    And when people ask how I’m gonna do.
    When I do what God told me to…
    For the rest of my life I’m not making sense,
    I’m making faith.”

    Now this is ringing true in my situation and I’m making faith, God is faithful, I will testify surely. ‘And o’ga eme VOOM n’anya…’ in Jesus Christ name, amen.

    Thanks dearie for the dl, I got other songs from that link too. God bless your sweet heart, hugs +

  2. Yes, I did say that I would testify and here I am to give the praise and thanks to HIM alone. My KING and GOD, who opens doors for me that no-one can close, PERFECT GENTLEMAN ABBA!!!
    So, when this post came out, my mat.leave was just days to finish and I needed homehelp cos of baby….God sent me one…(This is a big one o, cos these days, getting reliable +trustworthy help in one’s home is a matter of praying + fasting + watching), so yep, UP DADDY for His provision.
    Then office things; supervisor, appraisal + location. What I can say is, o me VOOM n’anya. My DADDY GOD, thank you for all the Angels and Saints that YOU send my way to bless my life in such a colourful way. It sure didn’t make sense then but I was making faith and YOU are faithful. So Great is your faithfulness my PAPA. I love you for all eternity and more….
    E’ dearie, join me thank God ooo.xxx.

    1. Oh thank God.
      On that help issue nne tz a mega testimony. I am so thankful for you nne. Ah. And I tap in major. Both for now and the future. Amen.
      Thank God for all the office favor. A great job is a gift indeed.
      Chukwu daalu. I love voom n’anya testimonies.
      How are your babies nne? Bless you all darling.

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